Not quite sure what some of the terms for Statuses of Products mean in Slab, Sink, and Purchase Order Views in Moraware Inventory?
Purchase Orders go through various Statuses as Products are added, ordered, and used.
Allocated is a unique Status with its own column, so that the associated Job Name can be displayed. This allows the Job Activity to be opened within Inventory.
Wanted: Slabs and Sinks are products Allocated to a Job that have not been Ordered. A Purchase Order has not been created.
Ordered: Slabs and Sinks that are part of a Purchase Order that has been Closed. Closed = Ordered
Open PO: Slab and Sinks that are on a Purchase Order that has not been Closed.
Allocated: A Slab or Sink that has been associated with a Job Activity in a specific Systemize Job.
On-Hand: A Slab or Sink that has been Ordered and Received and is in stock, ready to be used. The Product may or may not be Allocated. On-Hand = Received
Consumed: A Slab or Sink that was used and is no longer available.