Serial Numbers for Slabs can be auto-generated or manually entered when viewing individual Slab Details. Slab Details can be accessed by clicking on Slab Status in Slab Views, in Purchase Orders, or when Receiving Material.
When auto-generating Serial Numbers, the next available number in the sequence is used. The start number for Serial Numbers is entered under Settings.
Although the auto-generate feature will not create a duplicate number, when manually entering a number, there is no warning if you enter a number that already exists. This was designed to allow for partial Slabs to retain the Serial Number of the original Slab it was cut from.
When adding Serial Numbers, auto-generate all the numbers, manually enter the numbers, or use a combination of both.
- From any View that shows the Slab Status, click the underlined Status.
- Click the Set Serial Number button.
- Check Generate Serial Numbers at the bottom to auto-generate all Serial Numbers. Or manually enter some numbers and check Generate next to individual Slabs to auto-generate only the ones specified > Apply > Save.
- When clicking the status of a single Slab, the option to auto-generate appears directly in the Slab Details.